To organize files on your system, Dreamweaver recreates the structure of the remote web site on your local system. The links you create in your local site continue to work on the remote site because the structure of the two sites is identical.
Create a local site in Dreamweaver by selecting a local root folder with Edit Sites command. The local root folder corresponds to the site root on your remote server. If you work on more than one site, create additional local sites by choosing additional local root folders.
Until you save a document within a defined local site, you cannot create any type of site-root-relative link to another file.
When transferring files between local and remote sites, Dreamweaver maintains identical directory structures to ensure that links and references are not accidentally broken. If directories do not exist on the site where files are being transferred, Dreamweaver automatically creates them.
Dreamweaver includes a number of features for structuring a site, navigating within and between documents, and transferring files to a remote server. To make collaborating on a web site easier, you can check in and check out files on the remote server to keep track of who has a particular file checked out. Dreamweaver does not perform version control. It will not remove files or folders on the remote server that no longer exist in the local root folder.
To create links between documents, use the Link box in the Property inspector. See Creating links between documents.